This Toolkit is developed by the Working Group of Workpackage 7 of the Euro HIV EDAT (Early HIV Diagnosis And Testing in Europe) ( project, funded by the European Commission.
It supports projects that recently started, plan to start or run a Community Based Voluntary Counseling and Testing (CBVCT) service and/or Checkpoint that addresses gay men and other men that have sex with men (MSM). Checkpoints in our definition are CBVCT and health centers that specifically address MSM. There is a great variety of Checkpoints in Europe (see Map of Checkpoints in Europe).
The Toolkit addresses all topics that are needed to implement, develop and self-evaluate quality based services in a CBVCT project and/or Checkpoint. It is not adapted to any specific health system or environment. It is adaptable for small as well as bigger projects. Please find out more on how to use this Toolkit in the ‘How to Use‘ chapter.
If you have any questions and/or suggestions concerning this Toolkit, please write to
Multe mulțumiri partenerilor din proiectul Euro HIV EDAT, în special membrilor de la Grupul de Lucru Work Package 7 (Dezvoltarea toolkit-ului pentru punctele de control MSM):
Cristina Agusti (CEEISCAT)
Michael Meulbroek (BCN Checkpoint)
Daniela Rojas Castro (AIDES)
Francois Pinchon, Per Slaaen (AIDS-Fondet)
Miha Lobnik, Bojan Cigan (Legebitra)
Mihai Lixandru (ARAS)
Matthias Kuske (Aidshilfe NRW, Workpackage coordinator)
Tom Platteau (Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp)
Daniel Simões (GAT Portugal)
Sophocles Schanos (Checkpoint Athens)
Alte mulțumiri:
Matthias Wentzlaff‐Eggebert (author)
Axel Jeremias Schmidt (Sigma Research, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Map of European Checkpoints)
Chafea – Health Programme funding